A Terrible Way To Remember Some Good Stuff

Of course the global Covid-19 pandemic is horrific. It’s changed the way that we all live and work. It’s brought out the best in many people. We have realised we  are adaptable and resilient . And at Redmill, we’ve realised that it’s actually helped us to focus on what’s really important in our lives.  


So, taking a more positive view, here are the five things that we’ve come to appreciate more during this crisis, and that we hope we will take with us beyond it. 


  1. It’s Good To Talk

Great communication underpins everything we do. Communication with each other. Communication with our clients. And creating more opportunities for regular dialogue – a daily Teams dial-in, an end-of-week online wind-down, a WhatsApp chatroom – has given us a really good platform for problem solving and sharing ideas, workload issues and the odd joke too! Good communication doesn’t happen by accident, no matter how many water coolers we have. 


  1. Farewell, 9 to 5

Family is the MOST important thing, we all have one, we must treasure them and we must be there for them.  Redmill has always pretty flexible when it comes to adapting working practices. But we’ve had to stretch this with many of our colleagues juggling working from home with no-school childcare. So the introduction of open-ended, self-policed flexible working hours, extended breaks during the day, the ability to swap weekday work for weekends have all been well received and hasn’t impacted negatively on our high levels of client service - a positive impact all round. Some of this will stick.  


  1. A Broader Community

The Redmill community is a tight-knit one. With colleagues in the UK, China and Turkey, we’ve always been pretty good at looking out for each other. What we’ve remembered over the last few weeks is that our community goes beyond just our staff. We’re trying, wherever we can, to continue to support our suppliers who do so much to support us all year round. A little help goes a long way. 


  1. Fun Matters

These are serious times, but in the face of adversity, humour always rears its funny head. How many memes, videos, one-liners have you laughed at this week? Having fun at work IS part of work. Laughter is contagious too.  If you want to be included on some of our nonsensical and completely not work related meme distribution list, let us know. We can spread some fun. 


  1. Plan for the Important Stuff , so you are ready for an emergency

Sometimes we need to step back and consider how we really help our clients. As many of Redmill’s clients and their agencies set about the emergency re-working of their 2020 media plans, the instant access to complete global media data  that Redmill provides them has really come into its own. With visibility comes control. With control, better decisions. We can be proud of what we deliver, especially in these times of uncertainty. 


So these are some of the things that we’ll be holding on to when we get to the end of this tunnel. We’re interested to hear what positives your business is planning on taking through to the other side. 

Lots to be thankful for....

There are lots of things happening in the world to worry about, so it's nice to have things to be thankful for. 

Redmill Solutions is 10 years’ old today. I’m feeling both immensely proud and, equally, very grateful. When I started on this journey my goal was to provide companies with timely, accurate and independent access to their media and marketing data, and, 10 years on, we’ve stayed true to this vision.  

I would like to recognise the massive input of the great team that I have had the pleasure to work with over the past decade. From my first employee working alongside me in a tiny office in a shopping centre workspace, to each of the dedicated and enthusiastic team in each of our global offices today - each one has been important to our success. THANK YOU for your efforts.

 I want to thank our clients, from the first small project for a Spanish advertiser, to working with some of the world’s biggest and best marketing organisations, managing BILLIONS of dollars of media spend on our data management platform. Each client is important to us - THANK YOU for your support. 

Outside of Redmill, there are several people who have inspired me, believed in the Redmill vision, and been our biggest cheerleaders within the industry. This team has provided support, energy and unwavering guidance - THANK YOU for making me a better person, and Redmill a better company.

Apparently only 4% of companies make it to a 10th birthday - and it has taken a great deal of hard work, writing and rewriting millions of line of code, a great team of employees and advisors, and  fantastic clients for us to reach this great landmark. THANK YOU all for being part of this adventure. 

Bring on the next decade! 

Marianne Yallop joins Redmill Solutions Ltd in Global Client Role

Redmill, the provider of global media data management solutions is excited to announce the appointment of Marianne Yallop to the newly created role of Global Head of Client Services. 


Hasan Arik, Redmill’s founder and CEO, commented: “We’re delighted to welcome Marianne to the Redmill family. She brings a wealth of experience that will help shape the future of our rapidly growing business and continue to help our clients to make better informed media and marketing decisions”. 


Explaining why she was attracted to Redmill, Marianne was particularly drawn to the company’s absolute focus on delivering best-in-class data management solutions: “I am thrilled to be joining the Redmill team at such an exciting time for the business. The need for data visibility and transparency will only increase in importance and I am so pleased to be part of the team that’s gaining real traction in this area”. 


Following a highly successful career in media agencies including GroupM, OMD and Dentsu, running major regional and global accounts, Marianne’s most recent role was at Mediaocean, where she was Director of Client Services EMEA.