Deal Performance Tracking

How did our media agencies deliver last month against their buying guarantees?"

What if you could track your media agency’s deal performance each month so you have visibility on what’s happening and can take appropriate action? What if you could have a monthly deal health check-up rather than having to wait for an annual post-mortem? You can with Deal Performance Tracking, which provides fast monthly reports on all deal parameters, including cost and quality.

After data is available

Days 11-15

Cleanse and normalise data, apply deal and PRIP rules

Day 21 

Share final results of previous month's deal delivery

Days 1-10

Post campaign data collection from agencies

Days 16-20 

Confirm draft results with media agency


Timely and actionable
  • Fast access to deal performance results
  • Frequent actionable deal health checks
  • Bespoke reporting at company, brand, country, agency, media owner levels
  • Customised, clear dashboards and standard reports, Excel pivot tables and exports into other software
  • Coupled with Redmill’s Media Planning solution, allows forecasting of annual deal delivery
  • Independent basis for Performance Related
  • Incentive Program (PRIP) evaluation
  • Evaluate both cost and quality parameters (e.g. station mix, daypart, PIB)
  • Keep an eye on any number of deals and deal rules
  • Multi-market media owner deal tracking
  • Historical media performance analysis
  • Data can be supplied to consultants and auditors for further analysis
Simple and secure
  • Low friction for media agencies - no additional agency resources required
  • Multi-level security access allows local market/agency use

Ready for greater clarity of all your media data?

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